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What is in your cup

Imagine You holding a cup of tea, and someone bumps into you, what spills out? Tea or Coffee? Tea! That means what is inside comes out. How relevant this example is for us? Imagine the cup as your heart if you fill your heart with all good thin gs, you will exhibit good virtues, but if your heart is full of negativity, you will never be able to spread anything good. As adults we all know what are good virtues ‘but as a human, it’s nearly impossible to possess only good values, however our desire to be a better person will help us to inch towards acquiring these good qualities. A Farmer puts in so much effort to get the best yield from his lands. He tills it properly, waters it consistently, meticulously manures, and at regular intervals removes the weeds which otherwise would spoil the growth of the main crop. What does this teach us? Cultivating goodness needs desire, consistency, and commitment. From time to time the negativity should be detoxed. When we are born in this world, we come with an empty cup then our parents, family, and friends fill it with lots of love, hope, kindness, and trust, as we grow to be an adult, we either have a half-filled cup or cup with the wrong content. How important is it to fill our hearts with the right set of qualities? What spills over when you face the ups and downs of life? love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. or pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Imagine you are given free access to orchards wouldn’t we pick up the best of the fruits, likewise as we travel through this beautiful world let us keep collecting the good things until our cup overflows with kindness. Life is too precious to waste our time on emoting negativity. As we start this new year let's consciously put in efforts to fill our cups with the right qualities which will be productive for us and also for the people around us. A new year has 12 chapters 365 new stories to be written afresh. Let’s start looking for miracles on our way each day. Let us make each day count by spreading love, joy peace, and kindness. In this new year, let's make a fresh start to fill our cup with goodness. What is going to be in your cup to make this year count? ….

What is in your cup

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