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The Magic called Love ...

​Love is one of the exquisite feelings involving two hearts. It is a force that binds between boundaries and travels beyond the horizon, caste, creed, and color. History has recorded so many epic love stories which are beyond imagination. Kings had abdicated their thrones for their love. Love-struck couples had created controversies and caused even wars. Ten long years of the Trojan war was because Paris and Hellen eloped to Troy. Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Romeo and Juliet, Baji Rao and Mastani, Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal Salim and Anarkali, and how many more to quote the list is endless. Though we grew up reading and listening to these impressive love stories Now the dynamics of love has changed with time. what is love in this era? Love, at first sight, is long gone? presently at the early stage of love, the person gets besotted with the other, euphoria is the state of mind fantasy is their way of life until they move to the next level of knowing each other better. Many love stories end here as the love here is superficial, nonetheless once they start accepting each other with flaws the love story continues. True love is when you understand the other person has their own identity which is different from ours yet find harmony. You are with the right person if you can be yourself, being yourself is the greatest blessing when everyone around you is trying to fake it. Love is said to be true if the other person invests time in you to make you a better person, gives you the space to facilitate your growth, the one who supports you to realize your true worth, guides you, strengthens you, be with your through thick and thin, accepts you as you are, stays unaltered with time and remoteness, you respect each other, you are emotionally connected, feelings are directly proportional, it makes you feel secure, confident... Being in love with the right person is a beautiful experience, you never get bored of each other, your thoughts revolve around them, the excitement levels never diminish, we see beauty in whatever we see, the music sounds so melodious, and you are extremely attached to the other person. You find joy in being with each other, you fight, forgive and reconcile. World is a better place when you are in love. Love is an intense emotion that you can never hide from each other. True love is not just about presenting a gift on V-day, it is about gifting your time and attention to the person you truly love. it is the ultimate feeling which is to be celebrated with passion every moment. It is worth pursuing as it brings in so much positivity between two people and from there it radiates to the people around them. Love brings unity, peace, good health, joy, and a whole world of hope. The best part is there is no upper age limit for finding the right person. So when cupid strikes you embrace it with extended hands. Happy Valentine’s Day to all, who are in love, and best wishes to those who are yet to find one.

The Magic called Love ...

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