Lion King
A Tsunami that hits the land destroys everything on its path. It leaves a trail of devastation that takes many a year to restore. This can be closely associated with loss of a loved one, When a person who lived amongst you in flesh and blood passes away it leaves you completely shattered. The world around becomes distant. You tread into a whole new world of sorrow and grief; you just want to cut off from the everything around us. Suddenly you find zero motivation to do even the simplest thing. You delve deeply into the memories of your loved ones. Your mind is preoccupied and all your efforts to divert your focus would be in vain. Grief is profound, denial & anger becomes a part of your life. You get completely detached and get annoyed even when loved ones try connecting. Grief is a normal response to the loss of our loved ones. As I am trying to wriggle out of the pain of the void my dad had left behind, I clearly understood that grief is a journey. Grief is complex, the more you want to come out of it, the more intense the thoughts become. It took almost 8 months for me to pen about Appa, Like a monarch he had reigned our home and ruled our lives now he’s ruling our hearts. The person that he was and the impact he had on the immediate and the extended family was so strong. He was the most engaging person. He had strong conviction about people and relationship. His love for my children was unconditional. Weeks and months have passed reminiscing about dad yet never a day passes without his thoughts. Appa was a very strong personality, he could never stand an injustice he had opinion about everything under the sun, was a stickler for discipline, time conscious, very aggressive, empathetic, self-motivated, self-assured, strong willed, he had the fire inside which gave warmth for the ones who were close to him but it consumed those who didn’t confirm with his standards. He spared no one for deviating rules and regulations. He did things which were unbelievable for his age. He was well connected, well informed, very well organized. His commitment to the task at hand was too impressive, he was way too strong headed, I had never seen him even once giving up on anything. He was never ever afraid of anything, not even when his health condition had laid him low. He was very sincere and hardworking, he started his teaching profession very early and interestingly he became a headmaster within the year of joining. He held positions at teachers federation. He didn't stop there, he had instilled in us the importance of sincerity in work. He always encouraged us to be brave and face any challenge with confidence. He had set us very high standards to follow, I am not sure if we would be able to do justice to his expectation, nevertheless even if we do a tiny bit we will be definitely be way ahead in life. What better tribute to offer him than to be strong & brave like how he wanted us to be?
He lived life like a Lion, a roaring life. Our lion king will forever reign in our hearts and guide us through this dense jungle called life. Will miss you forever appa