What is the purpose of this life? Why am I here in this world? Where am I heading? Is this life worth living? These are very common questions which linger in our heart at some point of time. As we age and evolve as a better human being, we search for answers for these questions, eventually we try finding the reason to live. Few find this reason at a very young age others take a bit longer time. Finding purpose in life is fabulously empowering experience. Nonetheless it does not happen instantaneously. It is an every day exercise. Those who find this secret, live a fulfilled life. Good news is we can find the purpose at any stage of life. Japanese live a contented happy long life because they believe in the principle of “IKIGAI” which means the reason to live. You need to dig deep to fine your own ikigai. The simple way to find your Ikigai is to understand what sparks joy in you when you wake up in the morning. Joy has different meaning to different individual. Never compare your joy with other people’s joy. Few find joy form simple things like sipping a cup of coffee, looking at the rising sun, taking a walk with their loved ones, reading books, connecting with God, listening to the bird’s chirp, gazing at the newly bloomed flower. Yes, few find their Ikigai from the quiet moments and others from a life changing experience. If you haven’t found yours, never stress yourselves to find it. Sometimes its better to take a step back and allow the purpose of your life unfold itself. If you feel struck, release yourself from everything which is holding you back from the fulfilled life. Whether a bitterness of low self-esteem, hurtful past, your failures, regrets and all other negative emotions. No matter which position of life you are on always remember there is always better tomorrow if only you find your Ikigai. Simple steps to find your meaning is to start the day with something you enjoy doing, then make a to do list but make sure the list doesn’t trigger stress, hence make a simple achievable list. Find that one thing which you are good at and master that. Stop being a slave to social media, only person you need to impress is ONLY YOU. Connect with people of similar interest. If you are having a stressful work life, find reasons to love your job. Stop chasing, start living. Live in THE NOW. Find beauty in small things around you. Appreciate simple things. Eat to live, be active. Stay positive, find beauty in the mess, wear that broad smile, have a positive intend in whatever you do.
These are the simple tips which will make your search easier. In the process of finding your ikigai, you will realize you would have transformed into a new YOU. This life is a gift from God. We are the masterpiece of God’s creation. He had sent us to this world with great purpose, it’s our onus to find our Ikigai. Let’s go in for a treasure hunt, lets break the iron bars and the bronze gates in front of us to find the purpose of our own existence here.